Scientific Lab Equipment

Molecular Devices SpectraMax M5 Plate Reader Repair

This service request, along with status updates documenting the date services are performed, is stored in your account history along with any purchases you make to help you manage and maintain your equipment.

On-site Repair Service available nationwide for Molecular Devices SpectraMax M5 Plate Reader's. We also offer depot Repair Service from our base of operations in Southern California (San Diego). If depot service is the best option for you we will assist you with logistics to help you keep freight and rigging charges as low as possible.

Is your instrument in compliance?

  • Nationwide Repair Service Coverage
    • On-site Repair Service
    • Depot Repair Service at our facility in Southern California
  • 25+ years of experience providing scientific equipment Repair Service
  • Factory trained and certified Repair Service technicians to keep your equipment operating within factory specifications and help guarantee the most accurate results possible.
    • Beyond initial training and certification, we also participate in on-going training programs.
  • All Repair procedures use NIST Traceable Standards.
  • Performance Certificates

We carry replacement lamps for Molecular Devices SpectraMax M5 Plate Reader's.

We also offer Period Maintenance (PM) Service, Calibration Service and Annual Service Contracts.


  • Service Type: SpectraMax M5 repair
  • Equipment Manufacturer: Molecular Devices